An Overview of The Office of the Member of Parliament for Mayaro.

The Office of the Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Mayaro offers professional public administrative and support services to the residents of the constituency, through the strategic directives of the elected Member of Parliament. These services are relational to, and dependent on, the Central Government System of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and it’s disbursement of public resources and infrastructural development.

The current Member of Parliament for Mayaro is the Honorable Rushton V. Paray, who is currently serving his second term within the Parliament of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago as an elected Member of Parliament.

MP Rushton Paray

Rushton V. Paray

Member of Parliament - Mayaro

This office currently has three (3) distributed offices throughout the constituency of Mayaro, and may staff anywhere between five (5) to ten (10) persons. It offers open access to the Member of Parliament on scheduled days, as well as requests for public assistance within the following categories:

  • Education
  • Social Assistance
  • Infrastructural Planning and Development
  • Agriculture
  • Sports
  • Tourism
  • Community Events and Programmes
  • Parliamentary Representation
  • Utilities

All of which may be facilitated through Central Government budgets, private and public stakeholders and partnerships, volunteer programmes and the personal resources of the Member of Parliament himself.